Archaeology and Classics Discipline+ Catalyst

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Past Events

This workshop addresses the question of ‘identity’ in the humanities—a complex notion that nearly all scholars, regardless of their focus, encounter in their work.

This training event will run over two days. Participants will be set advanced preparatory tasks of downloading the open source software QGIS, and preparing a dataset.

The aim of this in-person specialist training day is to explore the practice and theory of working with fragments, their pitfalls and possibilities. Two expert speakers (Dr Tom Biggs, St Andrews; Dr Anja Slawisch, Edinburgh) will introduce their current research in literature and material culture, as a launch-point for student reflection and discussion.

  • Decolonising Archaeology and Classics: Methods and Approaches June 2022 (as part of the SGSAH Summer School)

Decolonising research is a central conversation that affects current practice in archaeology, classics, related disciplines and industries. This session will be led by invited speakers who will present their research and lead into a wider discussion of how PhD students challenge racist and colonialist legacies and develop more ethical approaches in their own research. 


When published, all event details and registration links will be found on the SGSAH Events and Training page

Have an idea for training? Want to learn more about a specific event? Get in touch with the Discipline+ Catalyst contact at your HEI. ↓