History Discipline+ Catalyst
The History Discipline+ catalyst supports the development of doctoral students through training in innovative theoretical and methodological approaches to the discipline, in practical research skills, and in professional development. We aim to share expertise and open up opportunities for researchers across SGSAH institutions, sometimes in association with other partner organizations. We seek to nurture doctoral researchers by engaging with their vision of the future of the discipline.
We innovate through training events that focus on new approaches in history and/or highlight the latest developments within some long-established topics. Our vision of disciplinary innovation includes both research methods, sources, and questions; and the dissemination of research findings within academia, in public engagement, and in teaching. To support this, we partner with other catalysts and beyond the arts and humanities as appropriate to encourage cross-pollination of approaches, methodologies, and ideas.
Past Events
Previous events have included:
- Archives and Special Collections for Scottish History: An Introduction
- Writing Historical Biography
- Approaches to Spatial History
- Digital history: New approaches in historical research (in partnership with the Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences)
- Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in History (two events, one in partnership with the Royal Historical Society)
- Universities, Heritage Bodies and Scotland’s Regional Pasts: Evidencing and Transforming from the Highlands and Islands
- Writing and publishing contemporary history
- Global History in, of, and from Scotland: archives and archivists
When published, all event details and registration links will be found on the SGSAH Events and Training page.
Have an idea for training? Want to learn more about a specific event? Get in touch with the Discipline+ Catalyst contact at your HEI. ↓
History Catalyst Contacts
Lead: Dr Justine Firnhaber-Baker - University of St. Andrews
Deputy: Dr Benjamin Thomas White - University of Glasgow
Dr Ben Marsden - University of Aberdeen
Dr Alan Kennedy - University of Dundee
Dr Meha Priyadarshini - University of Edinburgh
Dr Matthew Kerry - University of Stirling
Dr Jim Mills - University of Strathclyde
Dr Colin Nicolson - University of Stirling
Dr Philippa Woodcock - University of the Highlands & Islands
Dr Emma Macleod - University of Stirling
Doctoral Researcher Committee Reps:
Gavin Brewis - Glasgow Caledonian University
Kathryn Bruce - University of St Andrews