Modern Languages Discipline+ Catalyst
The Modern Languages Catalyst runs an annual researcher-led training programme that draws on the expertise of dozens of staff in ML disciplines across Scotland, as well as that of external partners and distinguished guest speakers. Our aim is to nurture a Scotland-wide community in which PGR students in Modern Languages can share experiences, discuss ideas and develop their skills.
While our events are discipline-specific in that they are aimed at doctoral students based in ML departments, they embrace the inherent diversity and interdisciplinarity of this cohort by facilitating academic conversations about a broad range of cultural, social and technical topics. Some workshops adopt the style of a masterclass, allowing students the rare opportunity to work in a small group with an acclaimed international expert in the field, while other sessions are larger in scope and facilitate networking and relationship-building. Recent events, for example, have focused on writing about subjectivity, on working with a variety of visual media, on reading premodern texts, and on theory in translation. In all our activities, we want to provide a friendly and informal forum for exchange, and to work flexibly and collaboratively in order to meet the evolving needs of the Modern Languages PGR community.
Have an idea for training? Want to learn more about a specific event? Get in touch with the Discipline+ Catalyst contact at your institution. ↓
Modern Languages Catalyst Contacts
Lead: Dr Greg Kerr - University of Glasgow
Deputy: Dr Fransiska Louwagie - University of Aberdeen
- Professor Federica Pedriali - University of Edinburgh
- Dr Claire Whitehead - University of St. Andrews
- Dr Caroline Verdier - University of Strathclyde
- Dr Marion Winters - Heriott-Watt University
- Dr Abigail Burnyeat - University of the Highlands and Islands
- Dr Esperanza Miyake - University of Strathclyde
Doctoral Researcher Rep: Veronica Marquez - University of Edinburgh