SGSAH Research Showcase 2025 - Call for Submissions

24 & 25 June 2025

The ARC, 11 Chapel Lane
University of Glasgow
G11 6EW
Find on Google Maps

Are you a doctoral researcher in the arts & humanities in Scotland? Would you like the opportunity to showcase your research, together with funding of up to £1000 for materials to help you present it?

SGSAH are holding our annual research showcase as part of Summer School 2025 in Glasgow on 24 & 25 June, and we're inviting you to apply to be a part of it!


Who Can Apply?

Doctoral researchers in arts and humanities subjects registered at any SGSAH member HEI, regardless of your funding source.

What Are The Eligible Costs?

We will pay for materials directly required to showcase your research, which you can then use in other contexts. We have previously funded costs for posters, models, 3D maps, brochures, ‘zines, VR-related supplies, postcards and the costs of framing and other display materialsPurchase of IT/technical equipment (eg tablets, projectors, laptops, speakers) is not covered. SGSAH recognises the climate crisis and the need for profound changes in everyone's behaviour, so we would ask that you please consider the environmental impact of your proposal.

What Sort of Space is Provided/ What is the Format?

The event will be held at the ARC, part of Glasgow University’s campus, in the West End of Glasgow.

For static displays, we can provide a table plus 1-2 poster boards (see here for example images). We have put together a slideshow with examples of displaying research and ideas for display methods here. And for top tips on displaying your research, click here. 

Performances can be proposed but must last no longer than 5 minutes. Please indicate any equipment or spatial requirements and the time you expect to take to set up. 

Set-up time for exhibitors is from 8am on Tuesday 24th June.

The showcase event itself will run from 10am-5pm a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday 24th & Wednesday 25th June, with a celebratory reception/launch event from 5pm-7pm on the Wednesday.

You are not expected to invigilate the showcase all day on Tuesday or Wednesday; however, there is an expectation that you will attend the reception from 5-7pm on Wednesday 25th. 

How Will You Choose Which Research to Showcase?

Up to six exhibitors will be selected by a panel comprised of PhD researchers on the SGSAH Doctoral Research Committee, and SGSAH KE & Communications team members. We are looking for: 

  • Clear presentation of research and potential and/or realised impact 
  • Realistic and clearly costed proposals 
  • Interesting ways of presenting arts and humanities research. 
  • Proposals that consider the environmental impact in their design 

How to Apply

Please complete the SGSAH Showcase online application form via this link by Friday 28th March 5pm GMT. 


A four photo collage of previous SGSAH Research Showcase exhibitors, Summer 2023

Above: Previous SGSAH Research Showcase exhibitors, Summer 2023 and 2024.