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The Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities is pleased to announce that applications are now open for Innovativation Placements, allowing doctoral researchers to work with industry partners. This is available through funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council and is open to doctoral researchers who have recently, or are about to submit their thesis.

We are inviting applications from AHRC funded doctoral researchers to work with industry partners on a project of mutual benefit for a period of between six and eight months in the area of design or in the creative industries. These placements are helping to build a national cohort of talented individuals with transferrable skills that will aid your transition between higher education and industry sectors, thus enhancing your employability. The aim of this funding scheme is to contribute to the capability of the UK’s skilled workforce across both industry and academia, delivering skills and knowledge to support long-term increases in productivity.

Applications are open to those meeting the following conditions and eligibility:

  • You must have been funded by the AHRC to undertake your PhD.
  • Projects must be undertaken between 1st October 2018 and 30th September 2019.
  • You must have submitted your thesis by the proposed start date of your placement, and have submitted no longer than six months prior to the start of your placement (e.g. you submit your thesis on 1st August 2018 therefore your placement must have started by 1st February 2019).
  • Placements will require to offer skills and career development opportunity for the applicant.
  • You will be employed through an AHRC DTP Scotland HEI member institution and a suitable academic staff member from this HEI will be required to oversee and mentor you through this project.
  • Salary costs will normally be capped at Grade 6 in line with your employer salary scales.
  • Funding will also be available to cover costs such as travel and consumables.

If you are interested in working with one of our existing partners, we are able to help facilitate discussions. Please contact our Knowledge, Exchange and Partnerships Manager Gillian Daly for more information.

Completed application forms alongside a letter of support from your proposed host organisation and a letter confirming hosting arrangements from your HEI should be submitted to admin@sgsah.ac.uk no later than 12noon (GMT) Tuesday 14th August 2018.

Innovation Placement Application Form

Innovation Placement Guidance


First published: 28 June 2018