University of St. Andrews

Hunting Whales & Making Knowledge: Dundee's Globalisation through Trans-Maritime Whaling, 1750-1914

Academic History:

2015 - present PhD candidate, Modern History, University of St. Andrews

2013 - 2014 MLitt, Reformation Studies, University of St Andrews

2007 - 2013 BA, Classics and Medieval Studies, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

1990 - 1995 BSc, Geography, University of Oklahoma


Professor James Livesey (University of Dundee)

Dr Bernhard Struck (University of St Andrews)

Dr Sarah Easterby-Smith (University of St Andrews)

Research Interests:

Exploring transnational themes involving cross-cultural circulations, exchanges & entanglements; using methods from spatial history & the digital humanities to develop perspectives on acquired historical data; history of science & the migration/making of knowledge; maritime Scotland & the wider world.

Previous Research Projects:

MLitt dissertation: ‘The Role of Travel & Travel Writing in the Transformation of Early Scientific Knowledge in the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries’

Contact Details:

Address: St Katharine's Lodge, School of History, University of St Andrews, The Scores, St Andrews KY16 9BA

Work Tel No: 01334 462391


First published: 3 November 2016