Researching and Presenting in Another Country: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practices
Tuesday 22nd of June
3 - 4.30pm
Dr Sharon Deane-Cox; Prof Phil Cooke; Dr Kate Mitchell, University of Strathclyde
Sharon Deane-Cox is Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies and Director of Postgraduate Teaching in Humanities at the University of Strathclyde. Her monograph on Retranslation (Bloomsbury, 2014) explores the phenomenon from literary, paratextual and contextual perspectives. A British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Edinburgh, 2014-16) then allowed her to investigate the ethical and epistemological dimensions of translating French experiences of the Holocaust. A recent Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant focused her attention on recovering the history of translation and interpreting during the Belsen Relief Effort in 1945, and she currently leads the RSE-funded 'Translating Scotland's Heritage' research network. Sharon is also Associate Editor of the Translation Studies journal and co-editor of the forthcoming (2021) Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory.
About this Session
For many Modern Languages students, their PhD research will involve undertaking work abroad, whether virtually or in person. This workshop will explore some of the methodological, communicative and ethical challenges that a researcher may face in different socio-cultural and linguistic settings and will offer insights into practical strategies for navigating obstacles and identifying opportunities. Training will be delivered via a series of short interactive sessions in which both established scholars and current students will share their own experiences (positive and otherwise). Focus will be on practical issues related to accessing archival resources, delivering presentations, and ensuring research integrity beyond the boundaries of home. The overall aim is to help participants make the most of future research abroad.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session, paricipants will:
- have developed a fuller practical and critical awareness of a range of barriers to researching abroad;
- have enhanced their toolkit of strategies for ensuring that research activities in other countries are carried out effectively, profitably and with integrity.
Who might be interested?
This session will be of particular interest to doctoral researchers in Modern Languages, but it will also resonate with any arts and humanities doctoral student whose work will take them to foreign archives and institutions, or will entail interaction with research participants abroad.
No previous experience is necessary, but this workshop will be pitched at doctoral students who anticipate carrying out research abroad.
Event contact:
Click Here to Register (Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis)
First published: 26 May 2021