Interview-Based Research Workshop
Published: 11 May 2023
This session explores key ethical questions and practical considerations in interview-based arts and humanities research - and the ways in which we might draw on our own experiences as reflexive researchers in making sense of what we learn in the process.
Friday 23rd of June
9.30am - 12.30pm
Proclaim Room, The Studio
Dr Steve Greer & Katie Hart
This workshop is led by Dr Steve Greer, senior lecturer in Theatre Practices at the University of Glasgow. Steve's research focuses on contemporary theatre, queer performance and live art. For the last two years, this work has centred on the Live Art in Scotland project which combines archival and interview-based research to explore the development and possible futures of live art and experimental theatre in Scotland. Steve will be joined by Katie Hart, an ECR whose recent PhD thesis project exploring Scottish women’s cultural leadership was centered on interviews with practitioners from across the sector.
About this Session
This session explores key ethical questions and practical considerations in interview-based arts and humanities research.
Drawing on experiences from recent successful PhD projects and the AHRC Live Art in Scotland project, we’ll explore different approaches to designing interview-based research. What are the advantages and pitfalls of interviews? How do we decide whose voices and perspectives to include, given our limited time and resources? How do interviews function alongside other research methods? And how do we practice care in the process?
In considering these and other questions, we’ll draw on queer and feminist strategies for locating ourselves as reflexive researchers and for making better sense of how our personal identities and experiences may inform the claims to knowledge in our work.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this session, participants will:
- have been introduced to the primary practical and ethical considerations informing interview-based research methodologies;
- explored how interview-based approaches might function alongside other common humanities research methods
- begun to locate their own positionality as reflexive researchers, identifying how their own experiences and perspectives may carry implications for their approaches to qualitative analysis
Who might be interested?
This session will be of particular interest to doctoral researchers in all disciplines of the arts and humanities who are engaged in or at the planning stage of interview-based research, or who wish to draw on interviews alongside other research methodologies in their project.
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First published: 11 May 2023