Interactive Media and Digital Creativity for Archaeology, Heritage and Classics
Published: 11 May 2023
Hosted by the SGSAH Archaeology & Classics catalyst, this event will provide an introduction to digital design practice as used in archaeology and cultural heritage.
Monday 19th of June
1.30 - 4.30pm
Dr Gareth Beale and Lizzie Robertson (University of Glasgow)
Interactive media important part of the heritage landscape both as a form of storytelling and as a form of exploratory research practice. In this session we will take a look at the potential of creative digital practice to enhance your own work and will provide you with the chance to establish and develop your own ways of working with digital media. The session will take you on a deep dive into interactive media for archaeology and classics and will also provide an opportunity to develop new digital and design skills. We will focus on collaborative and participatory forms of digital creativity and will look at how digital forms of making can not only create great results but also provide a focus for community building, skills development and inclusion.
In this session you will:
- Get an introduction to digital design practice as used in archaeology and cultural heritage
- Learn some new design skills which you can use in your own work and to collaborate with others.
Lizzie Robertson and Gareth Beale (University of Glasgow) are researchers in the use of creative digital approaches as a part of archaeological practice. We have collaboratively and individually staged experimental digital installations as well as conducting collaborative digital work with communities across the UK.
Zoom links will be circulated to registrants prior to the event
First published: 11 May 2023