Thursday 20th June

11am - 4pm

CE Hub Event

BBC Scotland's Pacific Quay Building, Glasgow

The activity takes place over the course of a day (11:30am-4pm) and aims to explain the broadcast production process; to outline the critical role of research therein; and to encourage PhD students to apply for research internships with BBC Scotland and with the Indie sector. The morning session will involve a tour of production facilities at the Pacific Quay media centre. The afternoon session  will take the form of a discussion about BBC Scotland and creative economies, their relationship with research and researchers, and a pitching session, where researchers can learn how to pitch their ideas to media producers and broadcasters.

Target participants: This training opportunity, offered as part of the SGSAH summer school, will be of interest to students associated with the Creative Economies Hub, and to students interested in broadcasting production processes, and, more generally, public engagement through broadcasting.

Click here to register

First published: 24 May 2022