Thursday 20th of June


Room 237C, ARC Building

Dr Michaela Hruskova

Dr Michaela Hruskova is passionate about demystifying the academic world and helping PhD students and early career researchers to make the most out of their academic journey. Michaela has ten years of experience developing students’ transferable skills and employability. During her PhD in management at the University of Glasgow, Michaela won two best paper awards for her entrepreneurship research, a global award for pioneering a university startup community, and was named as one of 30 Under 30 Inspiring Women in Scotland. Michaela also has over three years of experience working as a lecturer and has insights about transitioning into and succeeding in academic roles.

About this Session

This session will help you develop an understanding of the main challenges associated with identifying your objectives, establishing your position, communicating your priorities, and negotiating them with others. It will address misconceptions around the notion of being assertive, and help you gain the right mindset to apply self-confidence in real-life contexts. We will introduce key approaches to help you build your confidence and resilience in relation to different challenges you will encounter during your PhD, including working with supervisors and dealing with feedback and criticism.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Understand what assertiveness is and how it can help you achieve your goals;
  • Reflect on your priorities during and beyond the PhD project and identify areas where these may be in conflict with other people’s priorities;
  • Learn to negotiate different priorities and use the right approaches to assert your position.

Who might be interested?

This session is highly suitable for all doctoral researchers.

Event contact: 

Click here to register

First published: 11 May 2023