Thursday 20th of June


Room 223, ARC Building

Darcey Gillie

About this Session

The aim of this session is to apply our problem-solving skills and expertise as a researchers to managing our careersThroughout history, labour markets have always been “VUCA” – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (much like the problems we tackle in our research)Recognising this objectively is one thing, living through it and navigating it for ourselves is another. 

We will work together to use a standard problem-solving technique used in research and teaching as a shared platform during the workshop to support us in managing our careers as the rich, multi-variate, situated, contradictory, dynamic, exciting, occasionally nerve-wrackingbut always very personal phenomena that they are.   

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Develop a definition of “career” that is meaningful to them 

  • Gain practical experience with applying problem-solving tools to managing their careers 

  • Explore the most common sources of career indecision and how to address them 

  • Acquire tools and ideas to manage their career in a VUCA environment which they can use and share with others after the day 

Who might be interested?

PhD researchers at any stage of their career looking for practical tools and ways of thinking to manage their career planning and development. 


Event contact: 

Click here to register

First published: 11 May 2023