Wednesday 19th of June


Room 225, ARC Building

Sorcha Dallas

Sorcha Dallas graduated from The Glasgow School of Art in 1998, developing a creative practice centred on working with others. In 2007 she began working with Scottish polymath Alasdair Gray, gaining widespread critical and commercial appreciation for his previously unseen body of visual work. After Alasdair’s death in 2019 she was tasked with legacy planning which led to the creation of The Alasdair Gray Archive, a charity that prioritises learning, public engagement and ongoing creative commissioning. She has created all of this with Gray’s ethical framework at its core and reflecting his approach to making as a socially focused action. Her practice is centred on collaborative learning and facilitative leadership.
About this Session 

Introduction and an opportunity too handle ’The Travelling Archive’ followed by a participatory workshop on ‘An Archive of You’


Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this interactive session, participants will: 

  • understand new approaches to archiving and how they can be used for wider engagement
  • be able to apply this approach to creating their own archives

Who might be interested? 

This session will be of particular interest to doctoral researchers in all disciplines of the arts and humanities who wish to explore philosophical concepts and how these can be used for wider engagement, influence and impact.
Click here to register.


First published: 30 May 2023