A golden version of the SGSAH logo with surrounding golden confetti

SGSAH 10 Year Anniversary Celebration 

This October, the Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities is hosting an official 10-year anniversary celebration!

Join us in Glasgow this October for an evening of refreshments, music, and reflections on a decade of research from the world’s first national graduate school for the Arts & Humanities, plus a few words from some familiar faces within SGSAH and beyond. The evening will culminate in true SGSAH style with a live ceilidh band and a playlist sourced from PhD researchers’ favourite music. 

RSVP here

Schedule for the evening:  

5pm Doors open & refreshments 

5.30pm Welcome, short film & speeches including from Graeme Dey MSP, Minister for Higher and Further Education

6-7.30pm Cold buffet and time to explore our research showcases 

7.30-9pm Ceilidh with live band

9-10pm PhD researcher-sourced party playlist 

10pm Close 

There is no dress code (although you may want your dancing shoes!). 

Food & drink: Drinks and light food will be served at the beginning of the evening; afterwards there will be a cash bar. 

You are welcome to attend any or all parts of the evening. 

For directions and venue accessibility details, please visit https://swg3.tv/accessibility/ There will be designated quiet space available on the evening. If you have any additional access requirements, please detail them when signing up. 

Make sure to register here before September 26th: https://SGSAH10years.eventbrite.com 

Please note that we are unable to provide any travel and/or accommodation costs for those attending this event. 

 A square image with various photos of people smiling and laughing in different geometrical shapes. The SGSAH logo and anniversary details are in the middle

First published: 30 August 2024

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