SGSAH AHRC DTP Studentship - How to Apply

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*The online application platform will close at 12pm (midday) GMT, on 14 Feb 2025*

Late applications will only be considered where there is evidenced breakdown in SGSAH's operational systems and where such systemetic failures have made submission by the deadline impossible. Please note that we will not accept late applications where there has been systemetic failure at the applicant's end (e.g failure of internet connection). For this reason, we strongly advise applicants to complete the application process at least 48 hours in advance of the deadline.

Apply here>> 

Remember to submit your application before 12pm (midday) GMT on 14 Feb 2025

The application process for the AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship is divided into two parts.

1. An application made to your chosen HEI. This application process is wholly run by your chosen HEI through an unique process. You should contact them as soon as possible to find out how they are selecting proposals for nomination, and their internal deadlines for applications.

2. Students who are successful in being nominated by their HEI through a traditional PhD will progress to the second part of the process. Applications are then made through the SGSAH AHRC Scholarship Application System in February 2025.

The first step in the process is to check that you are eligible to receive an award. Please consult each section below for details on this aspect of the application process.


Guidance Documents and Template Application Forms

Application Process

Read the guidance document (available to download via the links above) thoroughly before applying. You should then contact your chosen institution(s) as soon as possible to find out how they are selecting proposals for nomination, and their internal deadlines for applications. Note that internal deadlines are likely to be much earlier than SGSAH’s deadline. 

SGSAH operates an electronic application system which will be open from 9am GMT on 3 February 2025 until 12 noon GMT on 14th February 2025. The guidance includes a template for the information you will be required to complete online.

Apply here>> 

The online process involves:

  • Inputting information onto our electronic form. See the guidance document for details.
  • Uploading one single PDF of your academic transcripts.
  • Uploading the PDF Institutional Statement that will be provided by your nominating HEI.
  • Uploading confirmation of your offer of a place from your lead-HEI.

It is the student applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they have all the necessary documents ready to upload to the online application system.

Late applications will only be considered where there is evidenced breakdown in SGSAH’s operational systems and where such systemic failures have made submission by the deadline impossible. Please note that we will not accept late applications where there has been systemic failure at the applicant’s end (e.g. failure of internet connection). For this reason, we strongly advise applicants to complete the application process at least 48 hours in advance of the deadline.


To be eligible you will need to have been accepted on a PhD programme and nominated by one of our Doctoral Training Partnership members. You should contact your chosen institution(s) as soon as possible to find out how they are selecting proposals for nomination, and their internal deadlines for applications. Note that internal deadlines are likely to be much earlier than SGSAH’s deadline. 

It is expected that you will be supervised by the best possible team. So, whilst you can only be nominated by one HEI, you could be supervised by a team from two or three HEIs from across our membership. You should discuss this with your proposed supervisor at your chosen nominating HEI.

To be eligible to apply you must also be prepared to live within a reasonable distance of the lead HEI. We define a reasonable distance as follows: a student ought if necessary to be able to travel to the University every day to work core hours (10am to 4pm).


The AHRC expects that applicants to PhD programmes will normally hold, or be studying towards, a Masters qualification. If you are not in this position you may be able to use relevant professional experience to provide evidence of your ability to undertake independent research. 

Residency Criteria

From the academic year 2021/22, the AHRC via SGSAH is offering awards to PhD researchers from the world (UK, the EU and International). All funded PhD students, whether UK or International will be eligible for a full award – both a stipend to support living costs, and fees at the HEIs’ UK rate.  

To be classed as a home student, candidates must meet the following criteria:  

  • Be a UK National (meeting residency requirements), or  
  • Have settled status, or  
  • Have pre-settled status (meeting residency requirements), or  
  • Have indefinite leave to remain or enter  

If a candidate does not meet the criteria above, they would be classed as an International student. 

UK National Residency Requirements:

A UK national may have spent an extended period living outside the UK, either for study or employment and still be eligible for home fee status. Candidates in these circumstances are required to show that they have maintained a relevant connection with their home country and therefore claim that the absence was temporary. ‘Temporary’ does not depend solely on the length of absence.

Which HEIs are Covering my Subject?





Archaeology, Classics

  • Archaeology: Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Stirling, UHI
  • Classics: Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews


Cultural & Museum Studies, Art History

  • Cultural & Museum Studies (incl. Heritage and conservation): Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Strathclyde, Stirling
  • Art History: Aberdeen, Glasgow, GSA, Edinburgh, St Andrews
  • Cultural Geography: Glasgow, Edinburgh
  • Cultural Policy & Arts Management: Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow


Creative and Performing Arts and Design

  • Architecture: GSA, Edinburgh, Strathclyde
  • Creative Writing: Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, GSA, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde
  • Dance (incl. Choreography): RCS, Edinburgh
  • Design: Dundee, GSA, Edinburgh, Strathclyde
  • Drama, Theatre Studies & Performance: Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh, RCS, St Andrews
  • Music: Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, RCS, St Andrews, UHI as third supervisor
  • Visual Arts: Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, GSA, Edinburgh, St. Andrews; Stirling, UHI as third supervisor



  • History: Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh, St. Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde, UHI 


Law & Legal Studies, International Development, Diplomacy & International Relations

  • Law: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde
  • International  Development, Diplomacy and International Relations: Aberdeen, Edinburgh, St. Andrews



  • Linguistics: Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde


Media, Cultural Policy & Arts Management, Cultural Studies and Pop Culture, Library & Information Studies, Information & Communications Technology

  • Media (including Journalism, Publishing, Television History, Theory and Criticism, Film History, Theory and Criticism): Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, GSA, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde
  • Cultural Studies, incl. Gender and Sexuality Studies &  Pop Culture: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, GSA, Stirling, Strathclyde
  • Library and Information Studies: Dundee, Glasgow, Strathclyde
  • Information and Communications Technology: Dundee, Strathclyde


Modern Languages

  • Modern Languages: Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling (French), Strathclyde
  • Gaelic: Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, UHI



  • Philosophy: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, St Andrews



  • Scottish & English Literature: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde


Theology, Divinity & Religions

  • Theology: Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews, Stirling, UHI


Equalities and Ring-fenced Studentships

Ring-fenced Studentships

In accordance with UKRI and AHRC policy, permissible positive action is being applied to the 2025 SGSAH DTP Open Studentships, following a review of SGSAH Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) application and award data from previous years.

For the 2025 competition, SGSAH is making available *at least* three ring-fenced studentships for applicants from UK Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. These 3 ring-fenced studentships represent a *minimum* recruitment, with no maximum. This year SGSAH is ring-fencing in two additional categories for care-experienced and applicants with refugee status.

In terms of process, applicants will continue to complete the Equalities Monitoring Form, which is not seen by Panel Reviews. Applicants will also complete a Yes/No tick box to detail whether they are applying for one of the ring-fenced studentships. This tick box will not be seen by Panel Reviews, who will score and rank applicants using the existing assessment criteria but will be made available to the final ranking meeting of Executive members.

SGSAH will also advertise online application support sessions specifically aimed at those from under-represented backgrounds.

Equalities Statement

SGSAH intends to ensure equity of experience and opportunity to access funded studentships, in alignment with our existing Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy. Specifically, SGSAH’s EDI within the assessment process of funded studentship schemes includes:

  • Applications are assessed anonymously, with Institutional Statements using ‘they’ pronouns throughout to avoid unconscious bias in terms of gender and ethnicity
  • Qualifications are reviewed by the SGSAH team rather than panel reviewers, to avoid institutional bias
  • A section of the applicant form for ‘Relevant Professional Experience’ is available in order to provide a level playing field for applicants with unrelated, dated or no Masters qualifications but who have demonstrably relevant professional experience
  • For the 2023 competition, ring-fenced studentships for BAME applicants are introduced
  • SGSAH will deliver online application support sessions specifically aimed at those from under-represented backgrounds.
  • All panel reviewers receive EDI and unconscious bias training

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our frequently asked questions by clicking here.