Wednesday 19th of June


Room 225, ARC Building

Claudia Sterbini and Ash Jayamohan

Claudia Sterbini and Ash Jayamohan are PhD researchers at the University of Edinburgh. Claudia's project, fundedby SGSAH, explores the construction of pathological asexuality in Victorian fiction. Her work has been featured inThe Polyphony. She is the Editor-in-Chief of FORUM, a board member of the academic journal Romance,Revolution and Reform and she is on the referee panel of The Wellsian. You can contact her at @ClaudiaSterbini.Ash's doctoral research project on the 'grasp' in queer modernism is supported by the University's Global ResearchScholarship, and their work has been featured in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction and The ModernistReview. They previously served as the Editor-in-Chief of FORUM. You can contact them at @ajayamoh.

About this Session

Are you a PGR interested in becoming a peer reviewer or in the work behind an academic publication? Thisworkshop explores the practice and practicalities of peer reviewing. It introduces participants to the process ofwriting constructive feedback on an article for the purpose of publication. The workshop will include practicalexercises towards evaluating the structural and argumentative merits and demerits of a manuscript. We willconsider the dos and don'ts of participating in the referee board of a journal, paying close attention to what itmeans to be an effective collaborator in leading an issue to publication, the ethics of editing, and how tocommunicate with authors and fellow reviewers.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • have produced a short editorial report and will have collaborated with other PGRs to arrive at a publicationoutcome (accept, resubmit, reject).
  • have understood the basics and essentials of peer reviewing for an academic publication, receiving a guidedintroduction to a key aspect of academic life.
  • receive the opportunity and tools to reflect on the significance of editing at the PGR level in particular.

Who might be interested?

This workshop will be of interest to doctoral researchers keen to get involved in and/or know more about the workof an academic publication (particularly PGR journals), and to researchers seeking to demystify the peer reviewprocess for their own future publications.

Click here to register for this event. 

First published: 5 May 2023