Wednesday 19th of June


Room 224, ARC Building

Zine - a 'homemade'/'non-professional' publication can contain poetry, narrative, drawings, comics, collage and more. As Brown et al (2021, p.1) describe, "often associated with radical or alternative cultures, [zines] can become a kind of self-made soapbox for the creator, a material artefact that, by its very deconstructed and deconstructing nature, encourages a personalised remixing of ideas".  

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the concept of zines through a brief discussion of their history before being presented with how they can be a particularly useful tool in research for investigating complex dynamics and sharing unique stories.  

With a focus on fostering conversation and connections, the workshop will provide space for attendees to develop their own zines enabling them to explore and reflect on their research practices, create something that shares the experiences they have had throughout their doctoral journey and celebrates their work! 


BROWN, A., HURLEY, M., PERRY, S., and ROCHE, J., 2021. Zines as Reflective Evaluation Within Interdisciplinary Learning Programmes. Frontiers in Education, vol. 6. 

Session Outline 

  • Welcome  
  • What is a zine 
  • History of zines 
  • Using zines in research 
  • Learn to make a zine 
  • Zine-making and reflecting 

Click here to register for this event.


First published: 17 May 2023